The last few months have been crazy busy and... weird. Yeah, weird. So many new experiences. One things is for sure, it's weird not to be in school anymore. I never thought I would say this but, I miss school. I miss the people, projects that I could spend weeks working on, and not working for a full day (yeah, I just said that).
Growing up can really suck. But, it can be really great at the same time. These last couple of weeks I have decided that I need to be more optimistic and look forward. I can't control everything that happens in my life and I need to be ok with that. I'm kind of a control freak (just kind of).
I decided that I needed some sort of change that I could control. So I "chopped" my hair. Yeah, yeah... it's not that short. But it sure feels short. I mean, I spent over three hours getting it done. Damn thick hair.
Once again, random post.
I thought I would let the three people that read this know that I'm still alive and doing ok. :)
Happy Weekend.