
Seems Like A Lot, Right?

| Walter Family Christmas 2010 |

Well, the holidays are over and it was so good to see family! We spent Christmas with Matt's family and all his siblings were able to come into town. It was great to have everyone together one last time before Ang (Matt's little sister) left on her mission. She is now in the MTC and doing great. We expected nothing less from her. :) She will do awesome and be a great missionary!

So, now that the break is over we are busier than ever. With school and work Matt and I seem to keep pretty busy. The second day of school I was at the school until midnight working on homework. Yeah, this semester is going to be interesting. I also am going to be doing an internship for Cedar Breaks which should be pretty cool.
Matt with be finishing up with his first bachelors this semester which we are both pretty excited about. If you caught that, I said first. He has decided to continue school and get a second bachelors in accounting as well as an MBA and a MAC. Seems like a lot right? Well it will only take him another semester to get the second bachelors and a couple of years to get his two masters. I am excited for him and glad that he knows what he wants to be doing for the next few years. At least one of us does. :)


  1. What a great pic! Good luck with school!

    Ang is going to the same mission as my nephew... he got over there last September, so I am sure they will cross paths sooner or later. :-)

  2. Looks like you guys have a lot going for ya. That's exciting that Matt can get 2 degrees with just a little extra effort. Awesome!! Oh, and I hope schools not too crazy for you Alex. Hang in there. Have a fun weekend!
